Wednesday, November 28, 2012

How to Capture Your Kids Memories - Digital Scrapbooking for Parents

I remember becoming a parent in 2001 for the first time. Was I elated. Actually I was on a big high all throughout my pregnancy like I had done the greatest feat in the world. But when my daughter was born, I wanted to capture every smile of hers, every inch of her growth. I wanted to be able to keep a record of how many times she does pee and poo in a day. I did what I could best at the time - jot it all down in a paper journal.

I did it earnestly for first few years and then the process became tedious and I started journalling once in a few months. Soon it was only on her birthday that I wrote her a letter.

With my second one born in 2004, I had no time to even click picture forget about writing anything down on paper.

I was discussing this with a fellow mom the other day (These days all I seem to discuss with other people is school, hobby classes, kids, and maids anyway.) She suggested that I try Digital scrap-booking. I had never heard of the term and decided to Google it and understand more.

Digital Scrapbooking is a way for you to highlight your precious photos and memories by overlaying these photos and memories on beautifully designed professional templates. You can also decorate your templates with alphabets, embellishments like buttons, ribbons and stickers and try out different textured papers - all digital in nature and all FREE. Some sites require that you download a software and then create scrapbooks while others allow you to do so online without any downloads. All you have to do is upload the picture and write a journal entry. That's it! Your online memory gets created and can be shared online instantly with friends and family.

Best part is that some of these now have mobile apps and sms integration so I can capture the unique moments in my kids' lives as soon as it happens, even while I am on the move, or while I am waiting for them in an after-school class.

I am really having the time of my life digging up the old pictures and chronicling my memories to preserve them for ever. Every time my daughters say something beautiful, it gets rare when they are over ten years, I capture it using my phone in my online digital scrapbook. I wish I had had this option when my girls were still little and the innocent words were easy to come by.

So if you are a parent who is busy and want an easy way to keep a record of your parenting moments, Digital scrapbooking is your answer.

How to Capture Your Kids Memories - Digital Scrapbooking for Parents   

How to Capture Your Kids Memories - Digital Scrapbooking for Parents

I remember becoming a parent in 2001 for the first time. Was I elated. Actually I was on a big high all throughout my pregnancy like I had done the greatest feat in the world. But when my daughter was born, I wanted to capture every smile of hers, every inch of her growth. I wanted to be able to keep a record of how many times she does pee and poo in a day. I did what I could best at the time - jot it all down in a paper journal.

I did it earnestly for first few years and then the process became tedious and I started journalling once in a few months. Soon it was only on her birthday that I wrote her a letter.

With my second one born in 2004, I had no time to even click picture forget about writing anything down on paper.

I was discussing this with a fellow mom the other day (These days all I seem to discuss with other people is school, hobby classes, kids, and maids anyway.) She suggested that I try Digital scrap-booking. I had never heard of the term and decided to Google it and understand more.

Digital Scrapbooking is a way for you to highlight your precious photos and memories by overlaying these photos and memories on beautifully designed professional templates. You can also decorate your templates with alphabets, embellishments like buttons, ribbons and stickers and try out different textured papers - all digital in nature and all FREE. Some sites require that you download a software and then create scrapbooks while others allow you to do so online without any downloads. All you have to do is upload the picture and write a journal entry. That's it! Your online memory gets created and can be shared online instantly with friends and family.

Best part is that some of these now have mobile apps and sms integration so I can capture the unique moments in my kids' lives as soon as it happens, even while I am on the move, or while I am waiting for them in an after-school class.

I am really having the time of my life digging up the old pictures and chronicling my memories to preserve them for ever. Every time my daughters say something beautiful, it gets rare when they are over ten years, I capture it using my phone in my online digital scrapbook. I wish I had had this option when my girls were still little and the innocent words were easy to come by.

So if you are a parent who is busy and want an easy way to keep a record of your parenting moments, Digital scrapbooking is your answer.

How to Capture Your Kids Memories - Digital Scrapbooking for Parents   

An Introduction to Scrapbooking

Scrapbooking is gaining popularity across the globe as children and parents alike gather together to put their memories not just down on paper but all sorts of colourful cardboards with special scrapbooking supplies carefully dotted around. How do you think you would go at scrapbooking?

Scrapbooking is the art of creating and storing treasured memories in an orderly manner within a book - there is never a right nor a wrong way of doing it. Your book is your book it can be as complex or simple as you choose it to be.

Thomas Jefferson was scrapbooker. He was one to keep newspaper articles from his two terms as president. Every Sunday, Mark Twain made time to fill his scrapbooks with treasures he found on his many adventures, photos and articles that he wanted to keep, so that he could remember and reflect upon.

When getting started yourself, some basic materials should include the book, binder or album; some photos and some adhesive. At this point you can add stickers, stamps, sketches and other momentos in a layout you desire.

Scrapbooking usually has some sort of photography or hand drawn pictures. However, with the technology that is available to us today - you can now take a video and later pull still pictures from the video and print them for your scrapbook. In essence capturing your "ballerina" in mid twirl; or the look of concentration on the kicker's face when he attempts to make the winning field goal; or you don't want to miss the look on your little leaguers face when they hit their first home run or make that great catch!

It is common for children to be on some sort of sports team, in a school club or part of a neighbourhood program, that requires them to be a "team player". These are fond memories (and life lessons) that you will always want to be able to capture and freeze to show the future generation or perhaps family members that missed the special moments.

Remember to include names, dates, places and a comment for two; so that the viewer will understand the whole picture, there is no guessing of who, what, where and when? So that anyone can pick up your scrapbook and almost be transported back to that special time or event that was so important to you!

There are special themed scrapbooking stickers available online and plenty of scrapbooking layout ideas to read up on. Not to mention special pens for scrapbooking that are permanent and will not smear or fade over time. This is referred to "journaling" in the scrapbooking world and it is one of the most important parts of the scrapbooking process.

How to Capture Your Kids Memories - Digital Scrapbooking for Parents   

How to Capture Your Kids Memories - Digital Scrapbooking for Parents

I remember becoming a parent in 2001 for the first time. Was I elated. Actually I was on a big high all throughout my pregnancy like I had done the greatest feat in the world. But when my daughter was born, I wanted to capture every smile of hers, every inch of her growth. I wanted to be able to keep a record of how many times she does pee and poo in a day. I did what I could best at the time - jot it all down in a paper journal.

I did it earnestly for first few years and then the process became tedious and I started journalling once in a few months. Soon it was only on her birthday that I wrote her a letter.

With my second one born in 2004, I had no time to even click picture forget about writing anything down on paper.

I was discussing this with a fellow mom the other day (These days all I seem to discuss with other people is school, hobby classes, kids, and maids anyway.) She suggested that I try Digital scrap-booking. I had never heard of the term and decided to Google it and understand more.

Digital Scrapbooking is a way for you to highlight your precious photos and memories by overlaying these photos and memories on beautifully designed professional templates. You can also decorate your templates with alphabets, embellishments like buttons, ribbons and stickers and try out different textured papers - all digital in nature and all FREE. Some sites require that you download a software and then create scrapbooks while others allow you to do so online without any downloads. All you have to do is upload the picture and write a journal entry. That's it! Your online memory gets created and can be shared online instantly with friends and family.

Best part is that some of these now have mobile apps and sms integration so I can capture the unique moments in my kids' lives as soon as it happens, even while I am on the move, or while I am waiting for them in an after-school class.

I am really having the time of my life digging up the old pictures and chronicling my memories to preserve them for ever. Every time my daughters say something beautiful, it gets rare when they are over ten years, I capture it using my phone in my online digital scrapbook. I wish I had had this option when my girls were still little and the innocent words were easy to come by.

So if you are a parent who is busy and want an easy way to keep a record of your parenting moments, Digital scrapbooking is your answer.

How to Capture Your Kids Memories - Digital Scrapbooking for Parents   

How to Capture Your Kids Memories - Digital Scrapbooking for Parents

I remember becoming a parent in 2001 for the first time. Was I elated. Actually I was on a big high all throughout my pregnancy like I had done the greatest feat in the world. But when my daughter was born, I wanted to capture every smile of hers, every inch of her growth. I wanted to be able to keep a record of how many times she does pee and poo in a day. I did what I could best at the time - jot it all down in a paper journal.

I did it earnestly for first few years and then the process became tedious and I started journalling once in a few months. Soon it was only on her birthday that I wrote her a letter.

With my second one born in 2004, I had no time to even click picture forget about writing anything down on paper.

I was discussing this with a fellow mom the other day (These days all I seem to discuss with other people is school, hobby classes, kids, and maids anyway.) She suggested that I try Digital scrap-booking. I had never heard of the term and decided to Google it and understand more.

Digital Scrapbooking is a way for you to highlight your precious photos and memories by overlaying these photos and memories on beautifully designed professional templates. You can also decorate your templates with alphabets, embellishments like buttons, ribbons and stickers and try out different textured papers - all digital in nature and all FREE. Some sites require that you download a software and then create scrapbooks while others allow you to do so online without any downloads. All you have to do is upload the picture and write a journal entry. That's it! Your online memory gets created and can be shared online instantly with friends and family.

Best part is that some of these now have mobile apps and sms integration so I can capture the unique moments in my kids' lives as soon as it happens, even while I am on the move, or while I am waiting for them in an after-school class.

I am really having the time of my life digging up the old pictures and chronicling my memories to preserve them for ever. Every time my daughters say something beautiful, it gets rare when they are over ten years, I capture it using my phone in my online digital scrapbook. I wish I had had this option when my girls were still little and the innocent words were easy to come by.

So if you are a parent who is busy and want an easy way to keep a record of your parenting moments, Digital scrapbooking is your answer.

How to Capture Your Kids Memories - Digital Scrapbooking for Parents   

Improve Your Scrapbook With These Wedding Scrapbook Layout Ideas

Among all life occasions, a wedding can be considered as women's favorite. Whether you're the bridesmaid, or the bride, weddings just give this giddy feeling especially if those getting married are your close friends. All the excitement and fun rubs off all your female friends, making the wedding better than you expected. Of course, you also have to plan for everything, and that is the tricky part. But once everything is done, you and your spouse would have to sort through all the gifts and pictures that you have accumulated during your wedding. One good way to keep your pictures is to make a wedding scrapbook, and make your scrapbook standout with these wedding scrapbook layout ideas.

Before working on your project, it would be better if you sort your pictures first. Not all pictures are the same; there might be some candid shots, some professional shots, and some wacky shots that can be grouped together. Think of a theme for your scrapbook. Will this scrapbook just focus on your wedding day, or will it tell your personal love story? Will you be adding more pages in the future? Once you've figured out what you want to do, then you can go out and buy some supplies. Visit the nearest craft store and look for scrapbooking materials. Most stores have an aisle especially for scrapbooking, and you can surely find everything that you need: from scrapbook paper to twine to stickers to flowers and other ornaments for your scrapbook. You can even use materials like magazines and newspapers. It all depends on your creativity, and of course, your wedding scrapbook layout ideas.

Deciding on the layout of your scrapbook can be tricky, but there are a lot of websites that can help you in deciding on the look that you want. The most common and highly customizable wedding scrapbook layout idea is to create a collage of your pictures and post different pictures as one picture. There are different photo editing websites that you can use for your pictures. Use the online applications to edit and create your collage, and then download them or print them directly from the website. Another option, if you have more time, is to create the collage on your own. This can be a bit tricky, but with enough time and patience, you can surely get it done. Once you have finished with your scrapbook, put it somewhere where your visitor can admire your work. Who knows, you might even get requested to make your friends' wedding scrapbooks.

How to Capture Your Kids Memories - Digital Scrapbooking for Parents   

How to Capture Your Kids Memories - Digital Scrapbooking for Parents

I remember becoming a parent in 2001 for the first time. Was I elated. Actually I was on a big high all throughout my pregnancy like I had done the greatest feat in the world. But when my daughter was born, I wanted to capture every smile of hers, every inch of her growth. I wanted to be able to keep a record of how many times she does pee and poo in a day. I did what I could best at the time - jot it all down in a paper journal.

I did it earnestly for first few years and then the process became tedious and I started journalling once in a few months. Soon it was only on her birthday that I wrote her a letter.

With my second one born in 2004, I had no time to even click picture forget about writing anything down on paper.

I was discussing this with a fellow mom the other day (These days all I seem to discuss with other people is school, hobby classes, kids, and maids anyway.) She suggested that I try Digital scrap-booking. I had never heard of the term and decided to Google it and understand more.

Digital Scrapbooking is a way for you to highlight your precious photos and memories by overlaying these photos and memories on beautifully designed professional templates. You can also decorate your templates with alphabets, embellishments like buttons, ribbons and stickers and try out different textured papers - all digital in nature and all FREE. Some sites require that you download a software and then create scrapbooks while others allow you to do so online without any downloads. All you have to do is upload the picture and write a journal entry. That's it! Your online memory gets created and can be shared online instantly with friends and family.

Best part is that some of these now have mobile apps and sms integration so I can capture the unique moments in my kids' lives as soon as it happens, even while I am on the move, or while I am waiting for them in an after-school class.

I am really having the time of my life digging up the old pictures and chronicling my memories to preserve them for ever. Every time my daughters say something beautiful, it gets rare when they are over ten years, I capture it using my phone in my online digital scrapbook. I wish I had had this option when my girls were still little and the innocent words were easy to come by.

So if you are a parent who is busy and want an easy way to keep a record of your parenting moments, Digital scrapbooking is your answer.

How to Capture Your Kids Memories - Digital Scrapbooking for Parents   

How to Capture Your Kids Memories - Digital Scrapbooking for Parents

I remember becoming a parent in 2001 for the first time. Was I elated. Actually I was on a big high all throughout my pregnancy like I had done the greatest feat in the world. But when my daughter was born, I wanted to capture every smile of hers, every inch of her growth. I wanted to be able to keep a record of how many times she does pee and poo in a day. I did what I could best at the time - jot it all down in a paper journal.

I did it earnestly for first few years and then the process became tedious and I started journalling once in a few months. Soon it was only on her birthday that I wrote her a letter.

With my second one born in 2004, I had no time to even click picture forget about writing anything down on paper.

I was discussing this with a fellow mom the other day (These days all I seem to discuss with other people is school, hobby classes, kids, and maids anyway.) She suggested that I try Digital scrap-booking. I had never heard of the term and decided to Google it and understand more.

Digital Scrapbooking is a way for you to highlight your precious photos and memories by overlaying these photos and memories on beautifully designed professional templates. You can also decorate your templates with alphabets, embellishments like buttons, ribbons and stickers and try out different textured papers - all digital in nature and all FREE. Some sites require that you download a software and then create scrapbooks while others allow you to do so online without any downloads. All you have to do is upload the picture and write a journal entry. That's it! Your online memory gets created and can be shared online instantly with friends and family.

Best part is that some of these now have mobile apps and sms integration so I can capture the unique moments in my kids' lives as soon as it happens, even while I am on the move, or while I am waiting for them in an after-school class.

I am really having the time of my life digging up the old pictures and chronicling my memories to preserve them for ever. Every time my daughters say something beautiful, it gets rare when they are over ten years, I capture it using my phone in my online digital scrapbook. I wish I had had this option when my girls were still little and the innocent words were easy to come by.

So if you are a parent who is busy and want an easy way to keep a record of your parenting moments, Digital scrapbooking is your answer.

How to Capture Your Kids Memories - Digital Scrapbooking for Parents   

An Introduction to Scrapbooking

Scrapbooking is gaining popularity across the globe as children and parents alike gather together to put their memories not just down on paper but all sorts of colourful cardboards with special scrapbooking supplies carefully dotted around. How do you think you would go at scrapbooking?

Scrapbooking is the art of creating and storing treasured memories in an orderly manner within a book - there is never a right nor a wrong way of doing it. Your book is your book it can be as complex or simple as you choose it to be.

Thomas Jefferson was scrapbooker. He was one to keep newspaper articles from his two terms as president. Every Sunday, Mark Twain made time to fill his scrapbooks with treasures he found on his many adventures, photos and articles that he wanted to keep, so that he could remember and reflect upon.

When getting started yourself, some basic materials should include the book, binder or album; some photos and some adhesive. At this point you can add stickers, stamps, sketches and other momentos in a layout you desire.

Scrapbooking usually has some sort of photography or hand drawn pictures. However, with the technology that is available to us today - you can now take a video and later pull still pictures from the video and print them for your scrapbook. In essence capturing your "ballerina" in mid twirl; or the look of concentration on the kicker's face when he attempts to make the winning field goal; or you don't want to miss the look on your little leaguers face when they hit their first home run or make that great catch!

It is common for children to be on some sort of sports team, in a school club or part of a neighbourhood program, that requires them to be a "team player". These are fond memories (and life lessons) that you will always want to be able to capture and freeze to show the future generation or perhaps family members that missed the special moments.

Remember to include names, dates, places and a comment for two; so that the viewer will understand the whole picture, there is no guessing of who, what, where and when? So that anyone can pick up your scrapbook and almost be transported back to that special time or event that was so important to you!

There are special themed scrapbooking stickers available online and plenty of scrapbooking layout ideas to read up on. Not to mention special pens for scrapbooking that are permanent and will not smear or fade over time. This is referred to "journaling" in the scrapbooking world and it is one of the most important parts of the scrapbooking process.

How to Capture Your Kids Memories - Digital Scrapbooking for Parents   

Improve Your Scrapbook With These Wedding Scrapbook Layout Ideas

Among all life occasions, a wedding can be considered as women's favorite. Whether you're the bridesmaid, or the bride, weddings just give this giddy feeling especially if those getting married are your close friends. All the excitement and fun rubs off all your female friends, making the wedding better than you expected. Of course, you also have to plan for everything, and that is the tricky part. But once everything is done, you and your spouse would have to sort through all the gifts and pictures that you have accumulated during your wedding. One good way to keep your pictures is to make a wedding scrapbook, and make your scrapbook standout with these wedding scrapbook layout ideas.

Before working on your project, it would be better if you sort your pictures first. Not all pictures are the same; there might be some candid shots, some professional shots, and some wacky shots that can be grouped together. Think of a theme for your scrapbook. Will this scrapbook just focus on your wedding day, or will it tell your personal love story? Will you be adding more pages in the future? Once you've figured out what you want to do, then you can go out and buy some supplies. Visit the nearest craft store and look for scrapbooking materials. Most stores have an aisle especially for scrapbooking, and you can surely find everything that you need: from scrapbook paper to twine to stickers to flowers and other ornaments for your scrapbook. You can even use materials like magazines and newspapers. It all depends on your creativity, and of course, your wedding scrapbook layout ideas.

Deciding on the layout of your scrapbook can be tricky, but there are a lot of websites that can help you in deciding on the look that you want. The most common and highly customizable wedding scrapbook layout idea is to create a collage of your pictures and post different pictures as one picture. There are different photo editing websites that you can use for your pictures. Use the online applications to edit and create your collage, and then download them or print them directly from the website. Another option, if you have more time, is to create the collage on your own. This can be a bit tricky, but with enough time and patience, you can surely get it done. Once you have finished with your scrapbook, put it somewhere where your visitor can admire your work. Who knows, you might even get requested to make your friends' wedding scrapbooks.

How to Capture Your Kids Memories - Digital Scrapbooking for Parents   

How to Capture Your Kids Memories - Digital Scrapbooking for Parents

I remember becoming a parent in 2001 for the first time. Was I elated. Actually I was on a big high all throughout my pregnancy like I had done the greatest feat in the world. But when my daughter was born, I wanted to capture every smile of hers, every inch of her growth. I wanted to be able to keep a record of how many times she does pee and poo in a day. I did what I could best at the time - jot it all down in a paper journal.

I did it earnestly for first few years and then the process became tedious and I started journalling once in a few months. Soon it was only on her birthday that I wrote her a letter.

With my second one born in 2004, I had no time to even click picture forget about writing anything down on paper.

I was discussing this with a fellow mom the other day (These days all I seem to discuss with other people is school, hobby classes, kids, and maids anyway.) She suggested that I try Digital scrap-booking. I had never heard of the term and decided to Google it and understand more.

Digital Scrapbooking is a way for you to highlight your precious photos and memories by overlaying these photos and memories on beautifully designed professional templates. You can also decorate your templates with alphabets, embellishments like buttons, ribbons and stickers and try out different textured papers - all digital in nature and all FREE. Some sites require that you download a software and then create scrapbooks while others allow you to do so online without any downloads. All you have to do is upload the picture and write a journal entry. That's it! Your online memory gets created and can be shared online instantly with friends and family.

Best part is that some of these now have mobile apps and sms integration so I can capture the unique moments in my kids' lives as soon as it happens, even while I am on the move, or while I am waiting for them in an after-school class.

I am really having the time of my life digging up the old pictures and chronicling my memories to preserve them for ever. Every time my daughters say something beautiful, it gets rare when they are over ten years, I capture it using my phone in my online digital scrapbook. I wish I had had this option when my girls were still little and the innocent words were easy to come by.

So if you are a parent who is busy and want an easy way to keep a record of your parenting moments, Digital scrapbooking is your answer.

How to Capture Your Kids Memories - Digital Scrapbooking for Parents   

An Introduction to Scrapbooking

Scrapbooking is gaining popularity across the globe as children and parents alike gather together to put their memories not just down on paper but all sorts of colourful cardboards with special scrapbooking supplies carefully dotted around. How do you think you would go at scrapbooking?

Scrapbooking is the art of creating and storing treasured memories in an orderly manner within a book - there is never a right nor a wrong way of doing it. Your book is your book it can be as complex or simple as you choose it to be.

Thomas Jefferson was scrapbooker. He was one to keep newspaper articles from his two terms as president. Every Sunday, Mark Twain made time to fill his scrapbooks with treasures he found on his many adventures, photos and articles that he wanted to keep, so that he could remember and reflect upon.

When getting started yourself, some basic materials should include the book, binder or album; some photos and some adhesive. At this point you can add stickers, stamps, sketches and other momentos in a layout you desire.

Scrapbooking usually has some sort of photography or hand drawn pictures. However, with the technology that is available to us today - you can now take a video and later pull still pictures from the video and print them for your scrapbook. In essence capturing your "ballerina" in mid twirl; or the look of concentration on the kicker's face when he attempts to make the winning field goal; or you don't want to miss the look on your little leaguers face when they hit their first home run or make that great catch!

It is common for children to be on some sort of sports team, in a school club or part of a neighbourhood program, that requires them to be a "team player". These are fond memories (and life lessons) that you will always want to be able to capture and freeze to show the future generation or perhaps family members that missed the special moments.

Remember to include names, dates, places and a comment for two; so that the viewer will understand the whole picture, there is no guessing of who, what, where and when? So that anyone can pick up your scrapbook and almost be transported back to that special time or event that was so important to you!

There are special themed scrapbooking stickers available online and plenty of scrapbooking layout ideas to read up on. Not to mention special pens for scrapbooking that are permanent and will not smear or fade over time. This is referred to "journaling" in the scrapbooking world and it is one of the most important parts of the scrapbooking process.

How to Capture Your Kids Memories - Digital Scrapbooking for Parents   

An Introduction to Scrapbooking

Scrapbooking is gaining popularity across the globe as children and parents alike gather together to put their memories not just down on paper but all sorts of colourful cardboards with special scrapbooking supplies carefully dotted around. How do you think you would go at scrapbooking?

Scrapbooking is the art of creating and storing treasured memories in an orderly manner within a book - there is never a right nor a wrong way of doing it. Your book is your book it can be as complex or simple as you choose it to be.

Thomas Jefferson was scrapbooker. He was one to keep newspaper articles from his two terms as president. Every Sunday, Mark Twain made time to fill his scrapbooks with treasures he found on his many adventures, photos and articles that he wanted to keep, so that he could remember and reflect upon.

When getting started yourself, some basic materials should include the book, binder or album; some photos and some adhesive. At this point you can add stickers, stamps, sketches and other momentos in a layout you desire.

Scrapbooking usually has some sort of photography or hand drawn pictures. However, with the technology that is available to us today - you can now take a video and later pull still pictures from the video and print them for your scrapbook. In essence capturing your "ballerina" in mid twirl; or the look of concentration on the kicker's face when he attempts to make the winning field goal; or you don't want to miss the look on your little leaguers face when they hit their first home run or make that great catch!

It is common for children to be on some sort of sports team, in a school club or part of a neighbourhood program, that requires them to be a "team player". These are fond memories (and life lessons) that you will always want to be able to capture and freeze to show the future generation or perhaps family members that missed the special moments.

Remember to include names, dates, places and a comment for two; so that the viewer will understand the whole picture, there is no guessing of who, what, where and when? So that anyone can pick up your scrapbook and almost be transported back to that special time or event that was so important to you!

There are special themed scrapbooking stickers available online and plenty of scrapbooking layout ideas to read up on. Not to mention special pens for scrapbooking that are permanent and will not smear or fade over time. This is referred to "journaling" in the scrapbooking world and it is one of the most important parts of the scrapbooking process.

How to Capture Your Kids Memories - Digital Scrapbooking for Parents   

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